Tuesday, November 17, 2009

At All

Lets just say hypothetically speaking, someone you love very much gets some grim news from their doctor. They've decided not to fight back and take a more passive approach after years of struggling with debilitating pain.
You know that loving him/her and allowing him in your life will end in heartache sometime in the near future. Do you love him/her with all that you have? Keep them strong enough to fight back?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, November 02, 2009


Let me paint a picture if you don't mind....

You reach out to your best friend, who's a nurse, for advice and support after just going through a pretty scary situation. Your frightened at the thought of a relapse so you seek her help. However rather than be a friend and offer support she throws some other inappropriate shit in your face and tells you she doesn't want to hear what you have to say.

How do you react? Do you argue back or ignore her like you've done in the past when she's said hurtful full things? Like the time she called you irresponsible, or how about when she said I was hurting the kids? Once again I ignored and decided I WILL NOT allow any more negativity in my life. I couldve thrown thousands of things in her face that she did that was wrong, but a good friend doesn't say things to hurt you. I want one that'll offer the same support and love as I do.

The days have turned into weeks and still nothing... then I read on facebook that she had a party for the kids on Halloween, a holiday we used to share together. Did I know or were my kids invited? Nope! I secretly hoped that my best friend would come through. That she'd realize that despite our feelings about the men we choose to be with, that we had something not worth allowing those differences to get between us. However after all this and seeing this new bit of info I realize I'm not dealing with Ang anymore, she's Mrs Rog now.

I wish her the best and hope he does her right.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Treats and Tricks

Yesterday was Halloween, a day the girls and I really enjoy every year. Some view the holiday as a dark holiday celebrating witchcraft and idolizing the devil. That very well may be true for some people, but as for me and my home we celebrate an American tradition in which we dress up as an imaginary character and visit neighbors homes for candy treats. Nothing more, and no secret demonic rituals after dark.
Yesterday was also a landmark day in our relationship, the day his and mine became ours as we all shared our first holiday together. Thankfully all went well and the girls had a great time together. Its just a shame I had to come to work tonight. I really would've liked to be home with them, but once again my job makes my goals for my family life a bit more difficult to achieve. The next time they ask me for a favor, I'll remember this time when I really wanted one myself.