Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I feel like shit!!! I've been feeling like crap for a few days now. I know that colds usually start with the sore throat so I was preparing myself and fighting it all weekend. I drank tea until I could drink no more, got enough rest and kept my spirits up. I did all of my own remedies, that is except for make myself my famous chicken noodle soup. Now I get home this morning after work, and crawl into bed for a brief nap before I sent the girls off to the babysitter. Not even an hour later I woke up in severe pain. It feels like someone shot me in the damn head. I think I've got a bacterial infection that's spread into my ear. Damn me for laughing at that Russian calling an ambulance for the ear ache last night. I should've known better....

Now here I am crying in pain. This is so not F*cking fair. Not only does my ear hurt like hell, but I've lost some hearing too which makes this even more fun.
k, the meds are kicking in... Maybe I'll get some ZZZZZZZZZ after all.