There are many popular games on the market that allow you to do just that; create a lifestyle of your choice. You can build a house to live in, choose a career and eventually settle down and have a family if you wish to do so.
What makes these games so popular? See, in life we may think we have total control of these things, but the truth is we don't. Sometimes we lose our jobs, the ones we love leave and other not so pleasant things may happen.
I'm gonna wave a magic wand and make my wish.
I'd wish for a lake front home with a wrap around porch. The kids playing touch football in the back yard while I bake in my humongous kitchen. I finally have a pretty good idea of who I'd like to share it all with too, but I'll save that for a later post.
I guess I mention this because of all the time I've been spending alone lately. I have four days a week off from work now which unfortunately happen to be school days. The kids are away at school and rather than watch Jerry Springer I sit and think about whats really important in life and where I want to be. The last thing I want is to look back 10 years from now and wonder where my life went.
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