The alarm clock goes off, as usual I beg for mercy and press the snooze button. 5 minutes later it goes off again and I realize I need to get my ass out of bed to get the kids to school on time. I sit up and start my day like I do every morning, walking with one eye barely open, as I leave my room and head to the bathroom to pee. Along the way I pass my living room with brand new ashley leather sofa's and a BUM sleeping on them?!
WTF?! Am I dreaming or did I really just see the same homeless guy who begged me for some change in front of dunkin donuts sleeping on my sofa? Hang on, let me wipe my ass and go back in there. Yes, it's true! Apparently my brother says he was out with him last night and felt bad that he had no where to go. With it being cold and raining he agreed to let the bum sleep on my sofa, without my consent!
See mom... I'm telling you I don't beat the crap out of my little brother for no reason!
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