It's been three months since the day you left suddenly without saying goodbye. 90 days since we've laughed together... Lord knows not many people get our crazy sense of humor. 2160 hours since I realized you'll never again answer the phone when it rings. 129,600 minutes and 10,368,000 heartbeats, and not a single one allowing me to forget how much I love you.
I love you dad. I miss you more than anything else in the world. Not a day goes by that I don't accidentally walk in your room to ask what you'd like me to cook for dinner. If there's anything you need or want. Not a single day since I catch myself wanting to call the house and ask you for help finding directions when I'm lost.
Dad, I wish I knew what to do to make the pain go away. I know you wouldn't want to see me hurting. You've done everything in the world to keep me and the family happy and I'm forever grateful for the wonderful memories I have of us together.
You taught me to be a brave little girl, surrounding me with truck drivers instead of Barbies. Congratulated me when I did a good job, and offered support when I didn't. I know it broke your heart when I didn't go to college in Texas like we dreamed I would, you even supported me though the rest of the family frowned upon my decisions.
Dad, there will never be another man in my life that means what you mean to me. I love you Daddy! See you soon!

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