Early morning, before the sunrise, they met and stood in formation to prepare their physical bodies for combat. After "PT" they'd return to their living quarters to shower and prepare for their work day. After dressing, they'd once again stand in formation displaying their respect and honor as their superiors address them, in which they'll again do several times throughout the day.

When I visit Dad at Calverton National Cemetery, upon entering the gates I immediately begin to tear up. The rows and rows of limestone headstones stand in this same manner, in formation. Just as in uniform, nothing significantly differentiates them from one another other than their names and rank. ...Still proudly saluting their country.

Thank you Silva, Roman, Moore, Caamano, Alvarez, Cruz, Rivera, Smith, Preston, Richard, Batista, Carmona, my neighbors and friends at Ft Polk, but most of all... thank you Daddy. I love you!
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