Friday, August 22, 2008

Keep in Prayers

Ask anyone who works in the field of EMS what kind of calls are most difficult and I'll bet you the vast majority will say pediatric calls. I'd rather be out of work for months with a strained back from lifting a 600 lb patient than to have to see another pediatric trauma. I may appear tough on the outside, but there's something about seeing an injured child crying that makes me lose my cool. I cant begin to tell you how many times I've walked in the door after work and crawled in bed with my kids, holding them tight and thanking God for blessing me.

Last year my supervisor and friend NYCWD lost his son in a drowning accident. Though his ex wife and him were trained in saving the lives of children, nothing could've prepared her for the day she'd pull her own child from the pool. Sadly DJ didn't make it that summer afternoon.

When I got a phone call this morning from Gary. I could tell by the tone of his voice that something was up. I pulled off the road (one ticket this week was more than enough for me) and braced myself for whatever it was he needed to tell me. Nick's son was hit by a truck. He said Nick was sorry he wasn't able to contact me himself right now, but would as soon as he could. He wasn't too sure of his condition but said that Nick and the family needed our prayers.

I finished my short drive home, walked in the door and lay in bed holding my child and praying for his.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is in my prayers. I can't belive this happened.
