So Thanksgiving went pretty well. I kept busy the best way I knew how, cleaning and cooking. Preparing dinner without Dad around will never get easy, but keeping myself distracted seems to be the way to go.
Friday was my Birthday and I couldn't have asked for a better day. What did I do? Other than a little bit of shopping, absolutely nothing! So what made it so great? Nick. He's just amazing. I'm so glad he's finally feeling better and stronger than ever. To be honest I was quite overwhelmed with so many people wishing me a Happy Birthday. I have a whole lot to be thankful for this season!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Woo Hoo
I never thought failing a test would be so exciting, but it is. I just don't need that headache right now.

I'm feeling like such a delinquent now. Ang, your a bad influence! We gave into peer pressure and skipped class to take the kids to Applebee's. How bad is that? Well... it was just tennis class. Is that ok? LOL
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Duty to Act
So I get a phone call yesterday, but since I didn't recognize the number I sent it to voicemail. I checked the message only to discover it was the Brooklyn DA's office seeking help with a case I may have been a witness to. I returned the call only to discover my good deed on Valentines Day was coming back to haunt me.
I was stuck working with Smiley days after our nasty break up. Immediately after pulling out of the garage we were flagged down by 2 males for an apparent MVA across the street. Did I wanna check it out? No. I just wanted my damn coffee and any reason not to talk to him. We had to check it out though, not doing so would put our license in jeopardy. Now however, our responsibility and duty to act has me all stressed out. Dude was drunk, he misjudged himself on a turn and hit a friggen light post. He wasn't injured and since EMS was already on scene, it took PD longer than usual to respond. The guy wasn't injured and didn't want to go to the hospital. So with permission from the officers, we RMA'd him and released him in their custody.
8 months later, the District Attorney's office is trying to gather enough evidence to convict this repeat offender of DUI. Which brings Smiley and Myself in. We'll have to appear in court to testify on the patients mental status and scene sizeup. Grreeat!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Looking for a new post? Something that'll fill you in on the thoughts of this crazy chick?
Something to laugh at?
Sorry, I cant think of anything decent to write. So... I'll make you laugh!
Listen carefully:
Something to laugh at?
Sorry, I cant think of anything decent to write. So... I'll make you laugh!
Listen carefully:
Monday, November 17, 2008
Just what the Therapist ordered
I came to work last night feeling depressed and all teared-up thinking about missing Dads help preparing Thanksgiving dinner and giving me a birthday kiss this year. Add the stress of not being certain if I'll ever see Nick again, and you'll get a glimpse inside my dismembered heart.
The other night I decided to give into temptation though and pair up with a co-worker I've been otherwise avoiding. See many of the people here try to make nice with me so I wont work them too hard. However they fail, you cant beat me at my own game. This guy though came all the way from the Bronx just to deliver coffee and smiles and convince me to work with him if only just once. If I weren't happy, then he'd let me leave without question, much like Nick convinced me to go downstairs to meet him almost 2 years ago. So, I agreed to give it a try, and I'm so glad I did. We had a blast. The truth is, I've gone on a few dates recently but decided against them because I found I was comparing them to the man I would give anything to be with, who also happens to be the man I cant have and may never return to NY.
It was nice to forget the pain for just one night. To live as though I weren't dying inside and instead have someone to sing along to my crazy selection of music. Someone to call and make sure I got home ok knowing I'd be driving home tired. Someone to laugh at the bruises we woke up with the next morning. Anyway, I just got off the phone with him again and decided to make this a regular occurrence. Sometimes its easier to connect and open up to someone your disassociated with, for that reason I'm dubbing my new partner...the Therapist.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
How long?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I was on my way home last night when I came to the conclusion that I need help. Like seriously need help. Perhaps counseling would do... Perhaps.
I've really been through a whole lot in recent months. Without anyway to release, the pressure in my bottle is building up. I can honestly say, and many will agree, that I don't do enough for myself. In recent weeks, I've tried a few new things like meeting new people, but got turned off quickly. I realized that I just don't have the time for a personal life, nor do I have the will to change it. You wanna spend time with me, you'll either have to sign up for a shift working with me or help stuff and dress some bears.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I Proudly Salute You
Veterans Day, the day we salute and pay respect for the brave men and women that've paid the ultimate price. That without hesitation, have served this great country allowing you and I to live free.

Early morning, before the sunrise, they met and stood in formation to prepare their physical bodies for combat. After "PT" they'd return to their living quarters to shower and prepare for their work day. After dressing, they'd once again stand in formation displaying their respect and honor as their superiors address them, in which they'll again do several times throughout the day.

When I visit Dad at Calverton National Cemetery, upon entering the gates I immediately begin to tear up. The rows and rows of limestone headstones stand in this same manner, in formation. Just as in uniform, nothing significantly differentiates them from one another other than their names and rank. ...Still proudly saluting their country.

Thank you Silva, Roman, Moore, Caamano, Alvarez, Cruz, Rivera, Smith, Preston, Richard, Batista, Carmona, my neighbors and friends at Ft Polk, but most of all... thank you Daddy. I love you!
Early morning, before the sunrise, they met and stood in formation to prepare their physical bodies for combat. After "PT" they'd return to their living quarters to shower and prepare for their work day. After dressing, they'd once again stand in formation displaying their respect and honor as their superiors address them, in which they'll again do several times throughout the day.

When I visit Dad at Calverton National Cemetery, upon entering the gates I immediately begin to tear up. The rows and rows of limestone headstones stand in this same manner, in formation. Just as in uniform, nothing significantly differentiates them from one another other than their names and rank. ...Still proudly saluting their country.

Thank you Silva, Roman, Moore, Caamano, Alvarez, Cruz, Rivera, Smith, Preston, Richard, Batista, Carmona, my neighbors and friends at Ft Polk, but most of all... thank you Daddy. I love you!
Whats going on
I'm feeling rather indifferent. I'm not sure what to make of these emotions. I cant remember the last time I felt so depressed. I crawled out of my old bed at mom's house and as I wipe my eyes and walk passed her, what she said made me realize part of what was bothering me. She talked about how she ordered trays of precooked items we often have for Thanksgiving. "But wait a minute Mom, I always cook". "I look forward to it every year" I replied.
That's when It hit me and I realized what was bothering me. Right about now Dad and I would begin our shopping list and discuss any changes to the Thanksgiving meal we'd like this year. I'd fight for a ham, and he'd argue how we should try adding some crazy ingredient in the stuffing like nuts or sausage.
When my Dad first got sick, there wasn't much he could do. When he couldn't take me with him to work any longer, instead he taught me to cook. We'd spend hours in the kitchen cooking just about anything, laughing and enjoying our unique sense of humor. It was our way of still bonding despite the changes. As time progressed as did his illness, he'd stay in his bedroom and only help on special occasions... like Thanksgiving.
This Thanksgiving though, with him not around I'm not so sure I know how I'll make it through. I stare at the announcement at work begging for someone to cover that shift, realizing that its the perfect opportunity to avoid dealing with my emotional stress that day. But I also realize that I need to be strong for the rest of the family that misses him too. I lost the man I loved the most, and with the second slipping away now too... I'm just not certain how I'll make it through this holiday season.

Monday, November 10, 2008
Starting with the man in the mirror
Friday, November 07, 2008
Hurry up and Wait
I came to work yesterday ready to save the innocent victims from the streets on NYC. Yearning for some action, I began my journey to Harlem only to be interrupted half way there by a supervisor in need of assistance. Apparently they forgot to schedule anyone for a standby at a HS Football game on Long Island. The games often get so intense and with the over abundance they have from all their damn property and school taxes they pay out there, they can afford to pay me and my partner to sit on our asses and watch the game. So since none of the hotties were of legal age, this is what I stared at all evening...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Creating Happiness

I was doing some browsing after releasing some of my stored energy and came across an article I wanted to share about Creating your Own Happiness.
If you have the time, its a very good read. I'm gonna give a try and hope you will too!
I'm gonna start off a bit out of order with # 6: Think gratitude.
Count your blessings. Make a list of all the things you have to be thankful for: family, friends, home, etc. Then write a gratitude list, include everything that happened during the day, for which you can be grateful.
- I'm grateful first of all for God allowing me another day. Allowing me to wake up (even after hitting the snooze button 4 times) curled up next to Gabby whom somehow snuck into my bed last night. For allowing me another chance to kiss her and tell her of my love for her.
- For Arriana, the child of whom first showed me the true meaning of love. Although she'd rather spend last night rockin' on guitar hero at Grandma's house rather than coming home with her Momma, still, for being able to call and wake her up and pronounce my love to her too, I thank you.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
"The most I can do
for my friend is
simply be his friend."
for my friend is
simply be his friend."
Source: Henry David Thoreau
Although I love you, this battle is one that I'll have to let you fight yourself. No one can create happiness for you, its up to you to find it yourself.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Amongst the many things I must avoid to keep from having another SVT or PVC's, chocolate and coffee are some of them. Two days after the kids brought home pounds and pounds of Hershey's, Kitkats, Reeses and M & Ms, we're down to a fraction of what we started out with. Add yesterdays alcohol consumption and the few cups of coffee it took me to keep me from crawling back into bed today...
........I think I may have over done it!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Hott Mess
If you read my blog, you probably already know I'm full of emotions. However in person, many of the these are hidden. Co-workers for example don't get to see the Lisa that comes out when she mixes up all that love with a few drinks and some music to shake her ass to. I had a really good time last night, hope I didn't give Luz as many blackmail pics as I did at last years holiday party :P
Anyway, getting back to emotion. I decided I didn't want to go home to an empty house so I thought I'd crash at Mom's and snuggle up with the kids after leaving the party. The best route home would be the Grand Central pkwy, which passes what remains of a place that holds a special place in my heart... Shea Stadium. Unless you live under a rock, you probably already know the METS are getting a new stadium, Citifield. Driving on the highway passing Shea, I've become accustom to seeing the illuminated figures on the big blue Stadium known as William A. Shea Municipal Stadium. Now however, all I see is the glow of construction lights as they level my memories to the ground to make a parking lot for Citifield. Since the city no longer allows for use of explosives or wrecking balls, they must take it apart piece by piece. Ugh.. It feels like having all my teeth pulled out one at a time, invoking memories and bringing tears to your my each time I pass.
Yeah I know, I'm an emotional mess... but that's just me so get used to it, there's plenty more you'll get to see soon!
Yeah I know, I'm an emotional mess... but that's just me so get used to it, there's plenty more you'll get to see soon!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Here I Am
At work, I often sit for hours and stare at a blank computer screen as hundreds of thoughts escape me. Music... invokes my feelings or perhaps exacerbates them. Nonetheless like an addiction, its a drug I cant possibly live without. My world, my heart, would be silenced without it.
Today I was on YouTube and came across a song by the beautifully talent artist Leona Lewis:
...Always, Here I am!
Today I was on YouTube and came across a song by the beautifully talent artist Leona Lewis:
...Always, Here I am!
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