Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Creating Happiness

I was doing some browsing after releasing some of my stored energy and came across an article I wanted to share about Creating your Own Happiness.
If you have the time, its a very good read. I'm gonna give a try and hope you will too!

I'm gonna start off a bit out of order with # 6: Think gratitude.

Count your blessings. Make a list of all the things you have to be thankful for: family, friends, home, etc. Then write a gratitude list, include everything that happened during the day, for which you can be grateful.

  • I'm grateful first of all for God allowing me another day. Allowing me to wake up (even after hitting the snooze button 4 times) curled up next to Gabby whom somehow snuck into my bed last night. For allowing me another chance to kiss her and tell her of my love for her.
  • For Arriana, the child of whom first showed me the true meaning of love. Although she'd rather spend last night rockin' on guitar hero at Grandma's house rather than coming home with her Momma, still, for being able to call and wake her up and pronounce my love to her too, I thank you.
My list can go on and on, so I'll cut it off here and add to it later. But if you care to check in and read this, then I'm thankful for your concern as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the of my blessings is you & the girls.
