Sunday, January 06, 2008

Kicking Ass, NY style

Growing up my Dad and I never missed a sunday or monday night football game. I'd curl up and take over his bed, placing a small wager on the game... with the exception of the Giants, the only team we both favor. If your not a big football person, just know that the Giants haven't won a playoff game since 2001.

If you ask me some areas of Florida are nothing more than warmer versions of NYC, with a fairly large percent of the population migrating from here. So It comes as no surprise that a play-off game between the NY Giants and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers would turn out a rather large crowd. Despite all their efforts however, they were unsuccessful in keeping the spirit of NY from steeling their sunshine!

Stay tuned for next week when we gang up on my brother and kick some Cowboy ass!

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